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Entitlement Management Software: How to Pick the Right Solution

Compare Reprise Activation Pro and RLM Cloud

Reprise Software offers two entitlement management solutions. Each solution addresses similar requirements but in subtlety different ways.


This article outlines the functionality of each to help you decide which is best suited to your software policies and procedures.


Activation Pro

Regardless of the license types that you support—node-locked or floating—Activation Pro makes entitlement management and license distribution more efficient for you and your customers.


The RLM API integrates seamlessly with Activation Pro to enable activation from within your product. Customers enter an activation key to activate their license. The activated license is stored on the user’s computer. Users without an internet connection can obtain a license by using the same activation key on a simple web page to obtain a license.


Activation Pro supports:

  • Trials
  • Paid Licenses
  • Automatic Subscription Renewals
  • Customer-Directed License Re-Hosting


Customers can review their entitlements’ status through portal accounts. Furthermore, Activation Pro supports indirect sales channels via its reseller portal.


A REST-style web services API integrates Activation Pro into your CRM, order management, or e-commerce platforms. You can host Activation Pro on your web server, or Reprise Software can host it for you in the cloud.


RLM Cloud

To minimize administrative overhead, software customers sometimes prefer their floating licenses served from the cloud. To address this, Reprise evolved RLM into RLM Cloud, allowing customers to checkout software licenses over the internet.


RLM Cloud uses standard RLM client and server components to support traditional on-premises license servers and cloud-based licenses within the same application release. RLM Cloud is best suited for floating licenses.


Activation Pro delivers licenses directly to customers, but RLM Cloud stores them in the cloud. For customers to securely connect to RLM Cloud and check out their licenses, all they need is a username and password.

Since RLM Cloud puts license servers under your direct control, you can support customers running in virtual machines, dockers, or containers, without the risk of license server cloning. You can also collect usage information for post-use billing and use software meters to tie your pricing to actual work done by your software. In addition, hot standby (failover) license servers are easy to set up on RLM Cloud to maximize license availability.


A REST-style web services API integrates RLM Cloud to your CRM, order management, or e-commerce platforms. RLM Cloud is deployed in data centers in Asia, North America, and Europe.


Below is a comparison table, highlighting the differences between the three solutions:

  Activation Pro RLM Cloud
Trials and evals yes yes
Subscriptions yes yes
Uses HTTPS yes yes
Web services management API yes yes
On-premises licensing yes, after activation yes, temporary licenses
Rehosting yes, using RLM API yes
Use while disconnected yes, after activation yes, temporary licenses
Requires internet connection yes, initially yes, periodically
24x7x365 yes yes
Uses Standard rlm_checkout call yes, after activation yes
Uses activation keys yes no
Floating licenses yes, on-premises yes
Manage RLM license servers no yes, in the cloud
License disablement yes, using RLM API yes
Personal licenses no yes
Token-based licenses yes, with the RLM server yes
Metered licenses no yes
Post-use billing no yes
RLM-embedded compatible yes no
Requires end-user accounts no no
Can be self-hosted by ISV yes no
Can use dongles yes no

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Activation Pro

What’s the difference?

Reprise License Manager (RLM)

Software License Manager

RLM provides runtime checking that verifies that your application is licensed to run and that the current usage of your application is within the limits you have ser every time your application runs.

As a Software publisher, you integrate RLM into your product, and RLM keeps track at runtime of who is using the licenses of your software.

RLM can do this entirely within the client library (linked into your application), or, more commonly, your application makes a request of the RLM Lincese Server to check out a license.

The lincese server runs either on your customers network, or in the cloud if you are using our RLMCloud™ service.

RLM provides runtime checking that verifies that your application is licensed to run and that the current usage of your application is within the limits you have ser every time your application runs.

RLM Activation Pro

Software Activation Manager

Activation Pro is
used once when your customer purchases your software in order to retrieve the license which is specific to that customer.

Software Activation’s purpose in life is to get the licenses for your product to your customers with a minimum of fuss.

Activation Pro also has a server component wich we call the activation server.

Your application contacts the activation server and supplies a short text activation key, and in exchange, the activation server returns the license which enables your product.

Generally, this is done once, right after your customer purchases your software, not every time your software is invoked.