Upgrading from an earlier version of Activation Pro

If you are currently running Activation Pro, you can easily upgrade to the new version. (Hosted Activation customers do not need to worry about software upgrades – we do these for you).

You should follow these steps:

  1. Back up your MySQL database. On recent versions of Activation Pro, there is a backup command in the AdminDatabase tab. Select the backup file name and press Backup Database. If this command isn’t in your version of Activation Pro or you prefer to backup outside ActPro, this can also be done with the phpMyAdmin program available as part of XAMPP and on most web hosting companies’ admin pages. Select your database, click on the export tab, and press GO in the bottom-right hand corner. Save the file. While this step isn’t strictly required, it is strongly recommended by Reprise Software.

  2. Install the new Activation Pro software. Do this the same way you installed Activation Pro initially:

    • Extract the kit.

    • Copy your ISV generator settings file to the actpro_setup directory on the kit.

    • Remove the actpro_setup directory on your web server, if it is there (it shouldn’t be).

    • FTP (or copy, if local) the “actpro_setup” directory and all it’s contents to your website, as you did in the initial installation.

    • Browse to ../actpro_setup/setup.php on the web server, just like when you first set up Activation Pro. The setup program will detect that you have an installation present (unless you renamed the “actpro” directory to something else. If you did, you can rename it back to “actpro” before you browse to setup.php), and will prompt you to upgrade. If you select “yes”, it will then back up the program directory (actpro), install the new software into a new ActPro directory, and upgrade the database from the old version to the new version.

    • Make sure that your Activation Pro license file is present in the cgi-bin directory on your web server. Without this license file, when you attempt to activate, you will get the “RLM_EH_ACTPRO_UNLICENSED (-160)” error.