Building the Demo

On Windows

1. Extract the kit files

On Windows, extract the the downloaded developer kit to the folder of your choice (for example: Documents\Reprise\rlm.v15.1BL2).

2. Build the kit

You have 2 options for configuring RLM on Windows - you can either use a Visual Studio or Visual C++ Project, or a Command Window. Each method has the same outputs; choose the method you’re more comfortable with.

To build using Visual Studio/Visual C++:

  1. The platform directories (x86_w* and x64_w*) contain Microsoft Visual Studio or Visual C++ project and workspace files. Double-click on the appropriate file to launch Visual Studio/Visual C++. In x86_w3, doubleclick on x86_w3.vcproj. In x64_w4, double-click on x64_w4vcproj, etc.

  2. When the development environment comes up, click on the Build menu and select “Rebuild All” (Visual C++) or “Build Solution” (Visual Studio). When the build is done, the output window should indicate 0 errors and warnings.

    You may be prompted to allow Visual C++ to convert the project to a later version. Allow it to do so, then proceed.

To build using a Command Window:

  1. Create a command window with the Visual C++ environment set up.

    • Create a command window and run a batch file provided by Microsoft to set up your command window for the next step. The batch file is Program Files [(x86)]Microsoft Visual Studio <version>\VC\vcvarsall.bat


    • Create a command window via the Start → MS VisualStudioxxx or Start → MS Visual C++ menu. The specific sub-menu items vary with version but the target is “Visual Studio Command Prompt”.

  2. cd to the platform directory of the SDK, for example:

    cd x86_w3
  3. Type “nmake”

On Unix or Mac

1. Extract the kit files

Use gunzip/tar to extract the archive:

% gunzip platform.tar.gz
% tar xvf platform.tar
% ./INSTALL (enter a <CR> when prompted for an ISV name).

2. Build the example program from the platform directory

First, change directory to the place where you extracted the kit. Next, execute the following 3 commands:

% cd platform_dir (eg: x86_l2, x86_m1, sun_s1, etc)
% make
% rlmsign example.lic

Running the Demo

1. Start the license server

Execute the following command:

% rlm

This runs the license server and puts the debug output into the window where you started the server process.

2. In another window, run the example program

Start in the platform_directory directory (the same directory you were in above), and run the rlmclient program to check out a test2 license. Do this 3 times (in a new window each time - leave the windows up – i.e. do not hit <CR> in any of the windows). The first 2 times, it should successfully check out a license, and the third time you should see a denial message.

Run rlmclient as follows:

% rlmclient test2

The floating license you just checked out looks like this (this license is in the file example.lic):

LICENSE demo test2 1.0 permanent 2 sig=...

3. Examine licenses in use

Point your browser to port 5054 on your computer (e.g. https://localhost:5054), and use the web interface to see the checked-out license status. Click on “Status” on the left-hand side of the screen, then click on “License Usage” under the ISV server section. Note that you can also view the recent entries in the debug log from the web interface.


The browser URL may be http:// in v15.2 and earlier.

Congratulations! You have now run the license server, checked out licenses from the server, and used the admin tool to examine the licenses in use. There’s not much more to it than that. Now, you are ready to integrate the RLM calls into your application and try it out. You can browse some example code in the examples directory on the kit.