Introduction To RLM

The Reprise License Manager (RLM) allows a software vendor (ISV) to flexibly price and license their product(s) for delivery to their customers. At its most basic level, RLM allows an ISV to deliver concurrent-use (floating) or fixed (node-locked) licenses to their customers.

RLM allows your customer’s organization to know that they are using purchased software within the license limits set by you, their ISV. In addition, RLM collects usage information (at the customer’s option) for later reporting and analysis. This usage information is provided in a fully-documented report log format.

What sets RLM apart?

RLM was designed from the start to emphasize openness, transparency, and simplicity.

RLM is open because we publish the format of our report log file, so that you, or your customers can always examine and generate usage reports on licensing activity from the RLM servers.

RLM is transparent in the sense that we do not allow “back doors” which lead to unique behaviors from one ISV to another. In addition, we have removed policy from the application code, and placed it into the license key itself, so that your customers will be able to understand the license terms without having to understand your implementation.

RLM is simple because we include functionality like truly automatic selection of license servers from a set of multiple, independent servers. In older license management systems, the ISV ends up writing much code to manage multiple license servers. This is handled by RLM itself.