Cloud Computing

If you would like to serve your licenses in the cloud, Reprise Software recommends using our RLM Cloud service offering. Everything is set up for you to manage your licenses on servers provisioned by Reprise with RLM Cloud, without having to provision servers and configure the server farm yourself. While RLM can do this, the setup is tricky, which is why we created RLM Cloud in the first place.

What is RLM Cloud?

RLM Cloud is a hosted license server farm, managed by Reprise Software. With RLM Cloud, you provision software license servers and deploy licenses to your customers which do not require any installation by your customer’s administrators. Since you deploy both the license servers and the licenses in RLM Cloud, there is no need for Activation Software such as RLM’s Activation Pro if you are using RLM Cloud.

When you use RLM Cloud to run your license servers, there is never an issue of customers wanting to move a license server or rehost an application. All the licenses are under your control in RLM Cloud. Issues related to license servers running on virtual machines, dongles to lock license servers, spoofed hostids, and other issues related to license servers being under the control of your customers all go away with RLM Cloud.

How RLM Cloud Works

In RLM Cloud, you manage a set of license server hosts which run the license server processes for your customers. The management software is called RLM Cloud, and it is a web-based application, hosted on Reprise servers. RLM Cloud is a pure Software-as-a-Service offering - there is no software for you or your customers to install.

One thing to note is that there is nothing special about the license server processes that run in RLM Cloud – they are standard RLM servers. What this means is that your applications, built using RLM, will operate equally well with the traditional on-premises license servers or with RLM Cloud. This also means that you can deploy a mixture of on-premises and RLM Cloud servers, as your customer requirements dictate. You should note that there are some special management interfaces in the copy of the rlm server that runs RLM Cloud, but your ISV server is identical.

Requirements for using RLM Cloud

While RLM Cloud uses the standard RLM servers, support for RLM Cloud in the license file is required. This means that your application must use RLM v12.0BL2 or later, and RLM v12.1BL2 or later is recommended.

Please contact your Reprise Software Salesperson for more information.