The ISV Options File

The ISV options file allows control of the use of licenses by various users and groups of users within your organization. Options are provided to reserve licenses (RESERVE), and to either allow (INCLUDE or INCLUDEALL) or disallow (EXCLUDE or EXCLUDEALL) license use. Additionally, options are provided to create groups of users (GROUP) or hosts (HOST_GROUP), or IP addresses (INTERNET_GROUP), and to control the maximum number of licenses a user or group can check out (MAX). Certain users/hosts/groups, etc. can be exempted from the MAX settings with the MAX and EXEMPTALL_MAX lines.

Logging of the license servers is controlled by the (DEBUGLOG) and (REPORTLOG) options. In addition, you can suppress debug logging of check-in/checkout/denied entries with the NOLOG option. Automatic report log file rotation is supported in ISV servers via the ROTATE option and automatic purging of old report logs is supported with the :ref:purge-reportlog` option (new in v12.1).

Control over license roaming is provided with the INCLUDEALL_ROAM, EXCLUDEALL_ROAM, ROAM_MAX_DAYS, and ROAM_MAX_COUNT options.

License timeout is controlled via the TIMEOUT and TIMEOUTALL options.

License timezone restrictions are controlled with the TIMEZONE option.

Client license caching is controlled with the CLIENT_CACHE option.

License queuing behavior can be modified with the EXPRESS and PRIORITY options.

There is one additional option available in the ISV options file: NO_OLD_RLMUTIL. This option goes on a line by itself, with no parameters. If specified, the RLM command-line utilities prior to RLM v9.0 will not be able to perform an rlmdown, rlmreread, or rlmremove on this server. By default, all versions of the RLM utilities are enabled unless NO_OLD_RLMUTIL is specified in both the RLM and the ISV options files.

Note that, in RLM v15.0, the server will add the client’s external IP address to the list of IP addresses supplied by the client. This IP address is not added if it is the same as one of the client supplied IP addresses. This means that if your license server is on the internet, you can use the client’s external IP address to INCLUDE/EXCLUDE license checkouts.

How The ISV Options File is located

The ISV options file can be located in 3 ways:

  • You can specify the ISV options file location on the ISV line in The License File.

  • If no specification is on the ISV line, RLM will look for <ISV>.opt (where <ISV> is the name of the ISV) in the location with the first license file.

  • If there is no options file in either of the first 2 locations, RLM will look for <ISV>.opt in the working directory where you started the RLM server.


CLIENT_CACHE <secs> <product>

The CLIENT_CACHE line sets the cache time for a license to secs seconds for product. If the license for product does not have a “client_cache” specification, the CLIENT_CACHE option as no effect.

The cache value secs can be set to between 0 and 2 times the value in the license’s client_cache parameter. Attempting to set it to more than 2 times the license parameter will result in a log line similar to the following:

07/17 10:40 (reprise) foo: CLIENT_CACHE value (200) > 2x license value (120) , 120 used.

If product is not specified, the cache value applies to all products.

Example 1:

To disable client caching for all licenses:


This is logged:

07/17 10:40 (reprise) Setting CLIENT_CACHE for all products to 0 secs.

Example 2:

Here we try to set the client cache to 200 seconds for product “foo”. In this example, “foo” had a client_cache value of 60 in the license, so it was limited to 120:


This is logged:

07/17 10:40 (reprise) Setting CLIENT_CACHE for foo to 200 secs.
07/17 10:40 (reprise) foo: CLIENT_CACHE value (200) > 2x license value (120), 120 used.


DEBUGLOG [+]/ <file_path>

The DEBUGLOG option instructs the ISV server to write a debug log to the filename file_path. If file_path is preceded with a ‘+’ sign, the new data is appended to the file, otherwise the file is overwritten. This may be useful if you have many ISV servers and want to isolate the debug output from one server in a separate file.

When running the RLM server as a Windows Service:

If no DEBUGLOG is specified in the ISV options file, RLM will write the ISV debug log in:

<location of rlm.exe><isv>.dlog

This file will be overwritten every time the ISV server starts, since there is no opportunity to specify that the file should be appended to in the default case. In fact, the ISV server logs a few lines to this file at startup time even if a DEBUGLOG is specified in the ISV options file. It is overwritten every time the ISV server starts, but its contents don’t change from startup to startup, so nothing important is lost.

Reprise Software Inc. recommends that the debug log path be specified in the ISV options file, and that the append behavior be enabled with ‘+’<path>. However, it is important not to specify the debug log name as <isv>.dlog, as this specific file is overwritten at each startup.


DEBUGLOG +C:\rlm\logName.dlog


EXCLUDE <product> [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>


EXCLUDE <product> noproject [id=nnn]

The EXCLUDE line prevents usage of a product by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file.

Alternatively, with noproject specified, checkout requests for product from users who do not have the RLM_PROJECT environment variable set will be rejected.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.* Note that INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.

In all cases, the status returned to the user will be RLM_EL_ON_EXC - “User/Host on exclude list”.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


EXCLUDEALL [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>


EXCLUDEALL noproject

The EXCLUDEALL line prevents usage of all products by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file.

Alternately, with noproject specified, all checkout requests from users who do not have the RLM_PROJECT environment variable set will be rejected.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.* Note that INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.

In all cases, the status returned to the user will be RLM_EL_ON_EXC_ALL - “User/Host on excludeall list”.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


EXCLUDEALL_ROAM [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>

The EXCLUDEALL_ROAM line prevents usage of roaming by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file. Anyone on the EXCLUDEALL_ROAM list is not allowed to set up roaming licenses.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g. 172.16.7.* Note that INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


EXEMPTALL_MAX [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>

The EXEMPTALL_MAX line “exempts” the specified user/host, etc. from the MAX settings for all products.

User/host/group/host_group/internet_group/project are all as specified in INCLUDE/EXCLUDE, etc.

The EXEMPTALL_MAX line was added in RLM v15.0.


EXEMPT_MAX <product> [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>

The EXEMPT_MAX line “exempts” the specified user/host, etc. from the MAX settings for product product.

User/host/group/host_group/internet_group/project are all as specified in INCLUDE/EXCLUDE, etc.

The EXEMPT_MAX line was added in RLM v15.0.


EXPRESS [ON|OFF] <product>

The EXPRESS line controls queuing behavior for one or all products. If EXPRESS is turned on for a product, then queued requests which can be satisfied immediately are granted independent of whether other requests are ahead in the queue. If EXPRESS is turned off, then a queued request will always be placed at the end of the queue if it exists.

If the EXPRESS line does not specify a product, it applies to all products.

By default, EXPRESS is turned ON for all products in RLM.


GROUP <name> <list-of-usernames>

The GROUP line defines a group of users to be used in an EXCLUDE, EXCLUDEALL, INCLUDE, INCLUDEALL, MAX or RESERVE line. Separate the usernames in the list by spaces.

Multiple lines that specify the same GROUP name will have their lists of usernames concatenated.


GROUP engineers tom dick harry

This example results in a group of 6 users:

GROUP engineers tom dick harry
GROUP engineers larry curly moe


HOST_GROUP <name> <list-of-hostnames>

The HOST_GROUP line defines a group of hostnames to be used in an EXCLUDE, EXCLUDEALL, INCLUDE, INCLUDEALL, MAX or RESERVE line. Separate the hostnames in the list by spaces.

Multiple lines that specify the same HOST_GROUP name will have their lists of hostnames concatenated.


HOST_GROUP corporate node_a node_b node_c

This example results in a group of 6 hosts:

HOST_GROUP corporate node_a node_b node_c
HOST_GROUP corporate node_d node_e node_f


INTERNET_GROUP <name> <list-of-ip-addresses>

The INTERNET_GROUP line defines a group of IP addresses to be used in an EXCLUDE, EXCLUDEALL, INCLUDE, INCLUDEALL, MAX or RESERVE line. Separate the ip addresses in the list by spaces.

Multiple lines that specify the same INTERNET_GROUP name will have their lists of ip addresses concatenated.

IP addresses can contain the wildcard (‘*’) character.


INTERNET_GROUP corporate 2.*.*.7 172.16.7.*

This example results in a group of 6 IP addresses:


Note that INTERNET_GROUP is ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.


INCLUDE <product> [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who> [id=nnn]

The INCLUDE line allows usage of a product by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file. Anyone not specified by the INCLUDE line is not allowed to use product.

INCLUDE has no effect on Named User licenses (the INCLUDE line will be ignored).

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.* Note that INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


INCLUDEALL [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>

The INCLUDEALL line allows usage of all products by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file. Anyone not on the INCLUDEALL list is not allowed to use any product.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.*

INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


INCLUDEALL_ROAM [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who>

The INCLUDEALL_ROAM line allows usage of roaming by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file. Anyone not on the INCLUDEALL_ROAM list is not allowed to set up roaming for any license.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.*

INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


MAX <num> <product> [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who> [id=nnn]

The MAX line limits the specified user or group to num licenses of product. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file. If you specify user, the special name * indicates that all users are subject to the maximum limit.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.*

INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


MINREMOVE <secs> <product>

The MINREMOVE line sets the minimum time before an rlmremove or RLM web interface “Remove” operation can be used after a license checkout. If no “product” is specified, the MINREMOVE applies to all products.

The default minimum removal time in RLM is 120 seconds, but it can be specified in an individual license, and an ISV can also disallow removal.

If the MINREMOVE line specifies -1 for “secs”, then the license(s) cannot be removed.

MINREMOVE cannot be used to lower the minimum removal time set by the ISV in the license.


The NO_OLD_RLMUTIL line prevents pre-RLM-v9 command-line utilities from performing a reread, remove, or shutdown operation. The pre-v4.0 RLM utilities do not respect the RLM permissions for the reread or shutdown commands, and the pre-v9.0 utilities do not respect the permissions for the remove command. Adding NO_OLD_RLMUTIL to your ISV options file will prevent these older utilities from performing these commands, and only a v9 (or newer) RLM command-line utility can be used for this purpose.

By default, all operations can be performed by all versions of the RLM command-line utilities.

In order for NO_OLD_RLMUTIL to be effective, it must be specified in both the RLM and the ISV server options files.


NOLOG [in|out|denied]

The NOLOG option instructs the ISV server to omit logging to the debug log of either CHECKIN, CHECKOUT, or DENIED messages, as specified.

You must specify one NOLOG line for each item which you do not want to be logged.


NOLOG denied

This example causes the ISV server to omit the logging of DENIED events in the debug log.


PRIORITY <num> <product> [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who> [id=nnn]

The PRIORITY line causes the order of queued requests to be modified. Any user/host/etc. with an assigned priority will be placed ahead of others in the queue. A new request will go at the end of all equal-priority requests in the queue, but ahead of all requests with a higher-numbered priority. All requests with no specified priority will be last in the queue. PRIORITY can specify a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file.

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.* Note that INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.

Note that PRIORITY specifications are searched in order until a match is found, and the remainder are disregarded. Thus, if a request comes in for user plum on host conservatory, the following 2 PRIORITY lines would assign this request a priority of 7, not 3:

PRIORITY 7 candlestick user plum
PRIORITY 3 candlestick host conservatory

In this case, user plum would have a lower priority for the product candlestick than other users from host conservatory, since a lower number represents a higher priority.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.



The PURGE_REPORTLOG option instructs the ISV server to automatically remove report logs older than the specified number of days. PURGE_REPORTLOG is supported on Unix servers only (i.e., it is not supported on Windows servers).

Note that PURGE_REPORTLOG only affects the current report log name, and PURGE_REPORTLOG will have no effect if the server is not writing a report log, or if the report logs are not named according to the standard RLM rotation naming convention.

The purge operation is done at midnight, immediately following the renaming of the log, if applicable.

Example 1:

ROTATE daily

In this case, after the reportlog rename on Feb 23, 2016, the following reports would remain:


Example 2:

ROTATE weekly

In this case, after the rename on Feb 23, the renamed reportlog (reportlog.2016.02.23) would remain until Feb 27, at which point it would be deleted, and only the current reportlog would remain until the next rotation.

The PURGE_REPORTLOG option first appeared in RLM v12.1.


REPORTLOG [+]file_path [std | small | detailed]

The REPORTLOG option instructs the ISV server to write a file suitable for usage reporting to the filename file_path. If file_path is preceded with a ‘+’ sign, the new data is appended to the file, otherwise the file is overwritten.

The third (optional) argument specifies the format of the reportlog file. Valid values are:

  • std - write the standard report log file (the default if this field is not present)

  • small - a smaller report log file

  • detailed - write a reportlog that logs check-in/checkout events down to the tenth of a millisecond

All reportlogs are authenticated.

If your server is writing a reportlog, it is important to shut the server down gracefully (i.e., don’t kill the server, shut it down with the RLM web interface or with an rlmdown command, or via the service controller if running as a Windows service). If you don’t do this, the server won’t write the final authentication record to the report log, and you will not be able to verify the last section of the report.

For details of the various output formats, see Reportlog File Format.

Detailed reportlogs on Windows

If a detailed reportlog is specified on Windows, RLM will produce a detailed reportlog, however, the fractional seconds field will always be 0.


RESERVE <num> <product> [user|host|group|host_group|internet|internet_group|project] <who> [id=nnn]

The RESERVE line reserves num licenses of product for use by a particular user, host, group, host_group, IP address, or project. If you specify group, host_group, or internet_group, it must be defined by a GROUP or HOST_GROUP or INTERNET_GROUP line in the options file. Note that reservations are subtracted from the number of floating licenses available and can only be used by the specified user(s).

Portions of the INTERNET address can be specified with a ‘*’ which matches any address, e.g., 172.16.7.*

INTERNET and INTERNET_GROUP are ineffective on RLM Cloud servers where the application is using HTTPS transport.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.


To use PROJECT the user needs to specify the project name in the environment variable RLM_PROJECT prior to starting the application. To use INTERNET, specify the internal (vs. external) IP address of the client machine.


ROAM_MAX_COUNT <num> <product> [id=nnn]

The ROAM_MAX_COUNT line limits the number of roaming licenses to num for product. Once num licenses of product are roaming, new roam requests will be denied.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.

Note: The id option was added in RLM v11.1.


ROAM_MAX_DAYS <num> <product> [id=nnn]

The ROAM_MAX_DAYS line limits the number of days which a license can roam to num days for product.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.

Note: The id option was added in RLM v11.1.


ROTATE [daily | weekly | monthly | #days ]

The ROTATE option instructs the ISV server to automatically close and rename the old reportlog file, and begin writing a new reportlog file, according to the time specification given.

The ROTATE command will have no effect if the server is not writing a report log.

The (single) argument specifies the frequency of rotation of the reportlog file. Valid values are:

  • daily - rotate the report log file every night at midnight.

  • weekly - rotate the report log file every 7 days (at midnight) after it is opened.

  • monthly - rotate the reportlog file at midnight on the first day of the month.

  • #days - this is an integer specifying the number of days between rotations. The report log file will be rotated just after midnight after this # of days. Specifying #days as 7 is equivalent to “weekly”.

When the ISV server rotates the report log, the old report log file will be named:

And the new report log file will be named:



  • report_log_file_name is the reportlog filename specified in the REPORTLOG option.

  • The is a decimal date, e.g., for September 13, 2007: 2007.09.13


If the file already exists, the server will append a sequence number to the renamed report log, e.g., where N is an integer that starts at 1 and increases until a unique filename is created. The server will make 1000 attempts to create a unique filename, then log an error.


TIMEOUT <secs> [product [id=nnn]]

The TIMEOUT line sets the inactivity timeout for a license to secs seconds for product. If the application using product does not contact the license server for secs seconds, the license server will reclaim the license and notify the application that the license was timed out.


A license could have a min_timeout specification, in which case if you specify a TIMEOUT that is lower, the TIMEOUT will be set to the minimum. The default minimum TIMEOUT in RLM is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

If no TIMEOUT or TIMEOUTALL specification is present, the license will never time out.

If multiple TIMEOUT options are specified for the same product, the last one will be used. If TIMEOUTALL is specified after a TIMEOUT option, the TIMEOUTALL value will be used.

If product is not specified, the timeout applies to all products. This is equivalent to TIMEOUTALL.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”.

Note: The id option was added in RLM v11.1.



The TIMEOUTALL line sets the inactivity timeout for all licenses to secs seconds. If the application using a product does not contact the license server for secs seconds, the license server will reclaim the license and notify the application that the license was timed out.


A license could have a min_timeout specification, in which case if you specify a TIMEOUT that is lower, the TIMEOUT will be set to the minimum. The default minimum TIMEOUT in RLM is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

If multiple TIMEOUTALL options are specified, the last one will be used. Any TIMEOUT option after the TIMEOUTALL option will be used for that specific product.

If no TIMEOUT or TIMEOUTALL specification is present, the license will never time out.


TIMEZONE <timezone-spec> [product [id=nnn]]

The TIMEZONE option allows the specification of a set of valid timezones for the client machine that performs the license checkout. The timezone-spec is a 24-bit HEX number, with one bit set for each timezone you wish to be valid. Bit 0 represents GMT and each bit to the “left” of bit 0 represents one timezone (one hour) west of GMT. Thus bit 5 would be EST, bit 8 would be PST, bit 23 would be one hour east of GMT, etc. Note that RLM uses the current local time, so the timezones will move by one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect (ie, PST varies from 7 to 8 hours west of GMT), so for example, to enable use of a license in PST during both normal and Daylight Savings Time, specify bits 7 and 8 in the timezone-spec as follows:

TIMEZONE 180 <product-name>

If product-name is specified, the timezone restriction applies to all licenses for product product-name. If product-name is not specified, the timezone restriction applies to all licenses for this server.

The timezone restrictions specified in the TIMEZONE option are used to further restrict the license. If the combination of the timezone specified in the license and the timezone in the option would result in a license that has no valid timezones, then the TIMEZONE option is ignored. So, for example, if the license specified timezone=fff000 and the option specified TIMEZONE ff, the result would be no valid timezones, and the license timezone (fff000) would be used. Note that this can also happen if you have more than one TIMEZONE option in your options file as well, eg:

TIMEZONE 180 <product>

would cause the second TIMEZONE option (for product product) to be ignored.

If specified, the id applies this option to the license with an id of “nnn”. Note: The id option was added in RLM v11.1.


This line is used for client authentication, and must be added using the rlmadduser command.

For more information, see Client Authentication