Your Customer’s License File

Once you have set up RLM Cloud and provisioned a customer, you will need to give this customer a license file so that they can access the license server you have provisioned for them. Your customer might also want to set RLM_LICENSE to the location of this file.

Your customers’ license files will all have the following single line:

CUSTOMER customer-abbreviation isv=your-isvname
        server=well-known-host port=well-known-port


  • customer-abbreviation is the full abbreviation you set up in RLM Cloud for this customer (unique to each customer server).

  • customer-password is the password you set up for this customer (unique to each customer server).

  • your-isvname is your RLM ISV name. This never changes.

  • well-known-host is the ip address of the well-known host. This is the same for all customers running on the same server machine.

  • well-known-port is the port #, on well-known-host, of the RLM redirector process. This is the same for all customers running on the same server machine.

So, the only 2 items in this license file which are customer specific are the customer abbreviation and the customer password. The well-known port and host will change if you have multiple server machines, but will be the same for all customers on the same server machine.

You can get the exact CUSTOMER line for any customer by clicking on the Servers icon in the customer list, then clicking the Config icon in the Server list. The CUSTOMER line will appear near the middle of the page under the heading License for your customer for this Server, as seen below.


This example is for RLM Cloud servers configured with a failover server, so there are 2 separate license files. If you do not have failover servers configured, you would only see the first part of this display.

As an alternative, your customer can also set their RLM_LICENSE environment variable to access the RLM Cloud servers without having a local license file. Set RLM_LICENSE to “port@host@customer-name@password” (customer name MUST be all lowercase, even if it is mixed case on the RLM Cloud server). So, for example on Linux/Mac:

% setenv RLM_LICENSE

Or, on Windows:

C:\ set;

On Windows, you can also set the environment variable via the control panel using these steps:

  1. Go to Control Panel → System (or Control Panel → System and Security)

  2. Click on “Advanced System Settings”

  3. Click on “Environment Variables”

  4. Enter RLM_LICENSE as the environment variable name and the license file directory as the value.

Notice that in those examples we have set a license file path to be able to contact both the primary and failover servers.


  • For applications built with RLM v14.0BL2 (and RLM v14.0BL2 ONLY), the environment variable must include the instance number, 0, before the customer-name, so set RLM_LICENSE to:


  • Prior to RLM v14.1, RLM_LICENSE could not be used with HTTPS transport.