Pre-Release Checklist

With RLM, you specify nearly all licensing options in the actual license that you ship to your customers. However, there are a few issues that you need to consider before you ship your application:

  • Review the RLM API calls you make in your application to be sure that you use product names that are suitable (we strongly recommend using the name of the product that is in general use), and that the version numbers are correct. If you intend for your customers to be able to use old licenses from your product, be sure that the version number in the rlm_checkout() call is appropriate.

  • If we have provided you with special debug libraries, make sure you use the non-debug libraries from the standard kit for your release.

  • Review the options you used to Build Your License Server.

  • Ensure that you have included the RLM Server, your ISV Server, and the RLM License Administration Tools in your distribution kit. If you are not using an ISV-defined hostid , ship the settings file rather than the isv server binary. Using the settings file means that your server-side executables are completely generic, and your customers can upgrade RLM versions and get bug fixes via a download from Reprise, and you have no ISV server build-test-release cycle to go through.

  • Review the Best Practices for Integrating RLM section and ensure that your product and installation are well-behaved.

  • If you use the RLMID1 option, add documentation on installing and using the device.

  • A good practice is to include a folder for licenses in your installed product folder tree. In this folder, if you ship floating licenses, you would create a license file with a single HOST line similar to the following:

    HOST myserver any 5053


This HOST line does not need a valid hostid, only a correct port# and hostname). At runtime, your application passes the path to this directory as the first argument to rlm_init(). Then any license you ever issue - an expiring demo license, a production nodelocked license, or a license file simply containing a HOST line as described above - goes in one or more .lic files in that licenses folder. Given that you have passed the path to that directory to rlm_init(), your application will always be able to find the licenses.