Installing Activation Pro on your own servers

To get you started as quickly and easily as possible with RLM Activation Pro we will do the following in this tutorial:

  • Install a pre-configured Apache/MySQL/PHP (AMP) stack

  • Install the RLM Activation Pro software

  • Configure RLM Activation Pro

Step 1. Install a pre-configured Apache/MySQL/PHP (AMP) stack

To start, you need the stack of web services to support RLM Activation Pro. A preconfigured AMP stack called XAMPP is available for Windows and Linux systems at the Apache Friends website:

To install it, do the following:

For Windows:

  • Locate XAMPP for Windows on the Apache Friends site.

  • Download and run the installer.

For Linux:

  • Locate XAMPP for Linux on the Apache Friends site.

  • Follow the steps on the Linux FAQ page:

  • After installing, the package will be in /opt/lampp, execute the following commands (as root):

    • chmod 777 /opt/lampp/cgi-bin

    • chmod 777 /opt/lampp/htdocs

  • Now you can log out as root.


These directories would not normally have 777 permissions, but we are doing this to make the rest of the evaluation easier.

When you have finished the installation, go back to Activation Pro Setup, and finish the configuration of your ActPro system.

Step 2. Install the RLM Activation Pro kit from the Reprise website

RLM Activation Pro operates on a particular RLM binary platform, and is supported on Windows and Linux systems (x86_w and x86_l):

On all Platforms

First, download the Activation Pro kit from the Reprise website (requires login):

Pick the appropriate platform, and save this on your system.

Continuing the Installation on Linux

Extract the kit files:

Use gunzip/tar to extract the archive:

% gunzip actpro.platform.tar.gz
% tar xvf actpro.platform.tar

Continuing the Installation on Windows

Extract the kit files:

On Windows, the kit is in a ZIP file. Unzip the file in the desired location.