Appendix G - RLM version history

This section describes the various versions of RLM, and the features added in each version.

V16.0 – May, 2024

Features Added:

New web management interface for the on-premises license server.

HTTPS now enabled by default.

Self-signed certificates now automatically generated.

Diagnostics now viewable directly from web interface.

New user roles/permission levels.

V15.2 – December, 2023

Features Added:

Warning no longer presented to user when C:\ProgramData\Reprise\isvname\ doesn’t exist.

License path no longer includes temporary directory if the temporary directory does not exist.

rlm_stat() no longer returns an error if the C:\ProgramData\Reprise\isvname folder is missing.

Temporary licenses are now correctly created with version number equal to “parent” license.

Using unicode in company names no longer causes issues with portal users on RLM Cloud.

Server usage on the RLM Cloud customer portal now loads additional pages correctly.

log.php no longer fails to downloads report logs.

ISVs are now able to disable certificate revocation in RLM Cloud.

V15.1 – April, 2023

Features Added:

Added support for ISV_LICENSE (uppercase) in addition to isv_LICENSE in casesensitive file systems.

License checkout now obeys single license count on Linux when using multiple checkouts in single process.

RLM embedded web server changed from GoAhead to Mongoose.

RLM web server can now be configured to access via HTTPS.

RLM web server now requires login to access.

Removed restriction of running RLM as root/administrator.

Removed option to edit any server files using ‘Edit License File’.

V15.0 – May, 2022

Features Added:

The server now adds the client’s external IP address to the list of hostids.

Diagnostics only appears in the RLM web interface when edit_options, edit_rlm_options, logfiles, or all privs are specified for the user.

RLM_LINUX_ETHERNET_ITERATIONS to limit ethernet device scan iterations.


Activation Pro Features:

PID added to debuglog to sort out multipel _mklic invocations.

Prepended text can now be 30kb.

V14.2 – Mar, 2021

Features Added:

rlmstat lists server license pool# and ID (if specified).

RLM_LICENSE/ISV_LICENSE strings leading/trailing whitespace trimmed.

Personal licenses no longer take a count.

You can lock out 2 old ISV server names.

rlm -verify will cause the servers to verify their licenses, then exit.

RLM exits after 10 minutes if users have blank passwords (-z to disable).

Docker detection (non-Windows).

RLM Teams support. RLMTEAMS license line.

RLM web interface no longer stores username/permissions in cookie.

gc= (Google compute) hostid no longer supported.

Activation Pro Features

PHP v8 supported.

Expiring license and activation key data displayed in dashboard.

“Create license” capability added to GUI.

V14.1 – July, 2020

Features Added:

Temporary Licenses supported with RLM Cloud.

Personal Licenses.

Detailed reportlog now has client IP address in OUT records.

You can now lock out old versions of your license server (old ISV names).

Startup tolerance for ASH licenses.

exptime= keyword added.

License type now accepts “subscription”.

rlm_act_rehost_revoke() call .

rlm_product_isalias, rlm_product_isfloating(), rlm_product_isnodelocked(), rlm_product_single() calls added.

Activation Pro Features:

HTTPS support for Activation Pro license generator.

Debug log can be displayed in chronological or reverse chronological order.

Debuglog no longer logs all entries in the blacklist.

RLM_ACT_DIAGNOSTICS to create activation diagnostics to a file.

New disabled activation keys report.

You can now upload your logo to replace the Reprise Logo in the GUI (on * the debuglog table will be purged every night of all data > 14 days old.

admin->delete revoked allows deletion of revoked permanent licenses.

Product definition table includes a displayorder column (to control product choicelist).

The user_def column in the keyd table is now 32 chars. (Unused by ActPro).

The login inactivity timeout is now 60 minutes.

V14.0 – November, 2019

Features Added:

HTTPS support for RLM Cloud.


client_cache, hold, host_based, max_roam, min_checkout, min_timeout, nmamed_user, soft_limit, and user_based can all now be set to 0 in a license to be signed.

ASH licenses support “6hour” check type.

RLM Web services API now supports reservation type/strings/seconds and username/password.

RLM web interface license usage now also displays license pool status.

Support for rlm_products() in HTTPS (beginning in BL3).

Activation Pro features:

Fulfillments tab displays activation host name.

Fulfillment tab allows selection by notes field.

Product definitions now have a notes field.

Activation keys can be cloned.

GUI no longer accepts relative license expiration date for subscription type keys.

Customer browser displays activation keys as well as customer info.

Timezone can be set on

Support for “6hour” ASH check.

rlm_activate() allows specification of company/contact info.

V13.0 – February, 2019

Features Added:

UUID support on 64-bit Mac.

rlmstat -f option for extended information.

License server authentication of clients.

rlm_product_named_user_count() call.

Hostname added to web server activation confirmation page.

rlm_product_meter_counter(), rlm_license_meter_counter() calls.

rlm_product_start() call.

“Activate License” in web interface controlled by edit_options privilege.

Activation Pro features:

Reseller support.

Customer portal now part of standard URL – no configuration required.

Customer portal accounts can be created in the “add customer” form.

Option to blank the remote_host parameter (for GDPR compliance).

Admin “check database” command creates blank entries in the keyf table so the.

“Unfulfilled Keys” report works correctly.

Product definition/activation key forms include license start date.

V12.4 - July, 2018

Features Added:

Alias licenses added.

token_locked depricated, token_bound added.

rlm_license_ismetered(), rlm_product_ismetered() calls added.

Check server license can return status rather than failing immediately.

rlm_auto_hb() has new parameter.

rlm_product_meter_cur_count() call added.

RLM web interface disables options and license file editing functions if logins are not enabled.

Activation Pro Features:

Database queries now prevent SQL injection.

User-defined reports added with auto-email capability.

New “edit key” user type added.

actpro_keyvalid() web services call added.

rlm_act_keyinfo2() added.

Sorting works correctly on first fulfill and last check fields in fulfillments.

Product/activation key screens add misc parameters (several missing in 12.3).

V12.3 - Oct, 2017

Features Added:

rlm_failover_server_activate failover mode

RLM report log logs the timezone

Roamed licenses can have their roam time extended when disconnected

Failover servers display a list of valid primary server licenses.

Control over the rehostable hostid checks

Set the rehostable hostid reference hostid (rlm_set_attr_reference_hostid())

Activation Pro Features:

Rlmact.mysql renamed to actpro.php

Optional parameters are broken out in the GUI

Duplicate a product definition to create a new one

Activation key browser includes the contact email

Custom fields for a company can be specified as numeric to sort properly

On login, an invalid username or password displays “login incorrect”

Newlines are replaced with spaces in the license field in reports

V12.2 - Feb, 2017

Features Added:

Dynamic Reservations.

rlm_product_server() call.

spec in rlm_failover_server license can now omit port-number.

Illegal character restriction in customer= field relaxed.

UUID hosids (Windows).

rlmstat now accepts the “-I” switch, to display ISV-defined data.

The report log INUSE records now include the share handle for shared licenses.

rlm_get_attr_lfpath() returns char * rather than const char *.

rlmstat -I switch (to display ISV-defined data).

Activation Pro features:

rlm_act_fulfill_info() call.

V12.1 - June, 2016

Features Added:

-l switch to RLM.

License transfers use hostname-RLM-Transfer as username and isv string.

RLM Comm protocol optimized.

Server Time Jump reportlog message.

Whitespace removed from user and host names.

rlm_activate()/rlm_act_request() copy url and akey parameters.


Activation Pro Features:

Merge company/contact.

V12.0 - December, 2015

Features Added:

rlm_product_hostid() call added.

Shared license can now be metered.

The install Windows service menu item in the RLM web interface is removed.

Licenses sorted by _id

Servers log expired licenses on startup.

Alternate Nodelock Hostids

Install service command takes -user and -password

VS2015 support




SSL entry points renamed on most Unix platforms.

Activation Pro Features:

user_def field added to keyd table.

Product choicelists now sorted alphabetically.

Search added to debug log.

Unencrypted requests can now be disabled.

Normalized date formats.

Admin function to delete keys with revoked rehostable fulfillments.

Arbitrary text can be added to the license via product definition.


V11.3 - April, 2015

Features Added:

RLM rejects ethernet devices named “dummy*” on Linux.

report log DENY records now include the process ID.

In rlmstat and the RLM web interface, the field previously labeled “transactions” is now labeled “checkouts”.

The contents of the ISV-defined string can now be used as a hostid.

rlm_diagnostics() call.

Activation Pro Features:

New improved and expanded ActPro Web Services interface.

For product definitions, the default for “create issued=today?” changed to “yes”.

Contacts now have an associated “Contact Type”.

The “About” tab now lists the activation pro license expiration date.

Users with “portal” access are no longer allowed to log in on the main actpro site.

A product can now be marked “obsolete”, in addition to “inactive”.

Default values can be set for the product editing and activation key editing screens.

User accounts can now be edited, from the Admin->Users screen.

An administrator can set the list of visible tabs for any user.

The “Alternate Server Hostid” choice is added for products and activation keys.

V11.2 - November, 2014

Features Added:

Alternate Server Hostids.

rlm_license_count() call added.

The RLM version restrictions on client-side roam files have been relaxed to allow the “oldest compatible version”. As of 11.2, the oldest compatible version is 11.0.

Cached licenses no longer disable roaming.

Activation Pro Features:

Support for Alternate Server Hostids.

Audit trail for created/edited/deleted rows in the product, activation key, contact, company, and blacklist tables.

The date of creation of product definitions, activation keys, and customer contacts is now displayed in the appropriate browser.

Product Definitions and Activation Keys can now specify the allowed hostid types.

The “include activation key in license” option now allows you to generate licenses without akey, with akey, or both.

When the actpro server returns a RLM_ACT_BAD_HOSTID_TYPE status, it now returns a decimal integer indicating which hostids are valid.

The licf table now records the lst time rlm_act_keyvalid() was called.

The product, activation key, and fulfillment browsers now allow deletion of multiple items.

V11.1 - June, 2014

Features Added:

RLMid1 dongles now supported on linux (x86_l2, x64_l1).

The first parameter of rlm_init() now takes a list of license files.

Setting RLM_ROAM=today causes a roam to end today at midnight.

Licenses now have an optional _id= parameter to identify for options file use.

For metered licenses, the user can now decrement the counter in the RLM web interface.

RLM now supports Google Compute Engine hostids (gc=).

Activation Pro features:

Manual rehostable hostid creation and revocation are now supported, for machines with no internet connection.

New rlm_act_keyvalid_license() call returns the license for a given activation key.

Expired rehostable licenses can now be revoked.

New rlm_get_rehost() call retrieves the rehostable hostid for a given product name.

rlm_act_revoke_reference() allows revocation of a rehostable on machines where the hostid has disappeared or gone bad.

Activation Pro logs the expiration date of the license and displays in the fulfillment screen.

The Customer Portal is set up after installation, in the Admin/Portal tab.

Normal-Regen activation type added.

V11.0 - Feb, 2014

Features Added:

Ipv6 support (x86_l2, x64_l1, x86_w3 and x64_w3 only).

Auto proxy detection on Windows.

Applications can refuse to run with generic server.


akey= license attribute.

rlm_products_akey() and rlm_license_akey() calls added.

rlm_license_uncounted(), rlm_license_single() calls added.

Client caching turned off on HP systems.

Activation Pro Features:

New tab-based UI.

New Customer portal.

Product Definitions allow multiple licenses.

Auto-generate akey= license attribute.

Activation Keys can override license version.

# rehosts controls the # of times a rehostable hostid can be revoked.

Server writes debug logging to database.

Bulk-load of customer data.

Customization of the customer table.

rlm_isv_cfg_actpro_allowed_hostids() call in rlm_isv_config.c to control allowed.

Activation Pro hostid types.

rlm_act_keyvalid() call.

rlm_act_info() now returns RLM_ACT_KEY_DISABLED if appropriate.

V10.1 - July, 2013

Features Added:

client_cache license option added.

CLIENT_CACHE license admin option added.

Server logs unreadable license files.

rlm_auth_check() call.

rlm_isv_cfg_enable_check_license() added.

License now available as search criteria in ActPro fulfilled licenses report.

V10.0 - Jan, 2013

Features Added:

Disconected server-server license transfer.

rlm_init_disconn() for disconnected operations.

RLM will now broadcast to find a server on the local network.

Roaming is disabled if the license server uses a transient hostid.

The public/private keys are now declared as “const unsigned char”.

You can disable disk Serial Numbers which require admin rights.

You can disable RLM’s clock windback checking.

Option to make roamed licenses SINGLE rather than UNCOUNTED.

RLM web interface now supports user login, with access rights.

RLM web inteface only displays commands which the user can execute.

RLM web interface doesn’t display “Manage Windows Service” on non-Windows systems.

If RLM processes multiple license files, it will attempt to find a good ISV server path.

Browsers connecting on RLM’s main port are redirected to the webserver port.

Report log logs all licenses in use both at start and at the end.

Roamed license time extension logged in report log (and debug log).

RLM web interface allows editing license files.

RLM checks that the debug log is writable when installing service.

rlm_product_customer(), rlm_product_contract(), rlm_product_issuer(), rlm_product_exp_days() API calls added.

rlm_checkout_product() call.

rlm_act_info() call.

ISV_mklic not built by default.

RLM web interface allows the Activate License command customization.


actpro_demo.o removed, actpro_demo.c added w/build rules (v10.0BL3).

v9.4 - July, 2012

Features Added:

ISVNAME_ACT_URL overrides url in rlm_activate()/rlm_act_request() call.

actpro_demo added to RLM kit, removed from actpro kit.

Hostname hostid types now accept wildcards.

RLM utilities now accept the -z password option.

When installing RLM as a service on Windows, the installation now starts and stops the service to trigger firewall prompts.

The hostid list for rlm_activate() has been expanded to RLM_ACT_MAX_HOSTID_LIST characters (205) - including the “list:” prefix.

rlm_activate()/rlm_act_request() can now process replies from firewall and anti-virus software which splits a single message into 2 messages.

Clock windback detection checks internet time servers (if reachable) (removed sometime around RLM v10).

RLM servers write heartbeat messages back to the client (for v9.3 and newer clients) in order to detect systems which have been shut down.

v9.3 – February, 2012

Features Added:

License rehosting via refresh activation and rlmrefresh utility is DEPRECATED.

License rehosting added with the new rehost hostid type and rlm_act_revoke() (requires Activation Pro).

x86_l1 platform obsoleted.

rlmsign now checks the validity of keywords in keyword=value pairs.

Metered licenses added.

rlm_activate() call added to replace rlm_act_request().

Activation can now create UPGRADE licenses for single and nodelocked, uncounted license types.

Client-side diagnostics now list all embedded string licenses in addition to other node-locked licenses.

Server-side diagnostics now output the RLM and ISV server option file info.

RLM now enumerates the ethernet devices on linux rather than using eth0-7.

v9.2 - September, 2011

Features Added:

disksn hostid (disk hardware serial number) added on Windows.

License Passwords can now be specified on the ISV line.

rlc (internet activation) verifies the format of date input.

rlm_license_line_item() call added.

Product Definition names can be edited in rlc (Internet Activation).

Fulfillment count for refresh activations limited to 1.

“_primary_server” keyword added for rlm_failover licenses.

Generic rlmrefresh utility removed; replaced with ISV-specific utility.

Many changes to Activation Pro.

v9.1 - May, 2011

Features Added:

RLM Activation Pro introduced.

Passwords on individual LICENSE lines.

rlm_set_attr_password() call.

disable=TerminalServerAllowRD attribute.

rlm_set_attr_logging() call.

rlm_add_isv_hostid() API changes (added parameter).

rlm_set_environ() call can be made any time before a checkout.

RLM_ACT_NO_ENCRYPT to prevent rlm_act_request() encryption.

rlm_auto_hb() period now set to min of 2 seconds.

rlm_errstring() now formats all errors including activation errors.

v9.0 - December, 2010

Features Added:

GUI license generator.

Support for license server farms.

rlmstat reports on expiration dates.

New license checkout debugging capability/utility.

rlmsign takes the optional -maxlen parameter.

New rlm_failover_server license.

New rlm_no_server_lock license.

New keyword=value parameters on ISV line.

rlm_errstring_num() API call.

rlm_license_detached_demo() API call.

Multiple GROUP lines now concatenate in OPTIONS files.

New license administration REMOVE privilige.

Activation supports SINGLE and UPGRADE licenses.

rlm_act_request() allows white space in activation key.

rlm_act_request accepts hostid lists.

rlm_act_requests accepts a count of 0 to fulfill all remaining floating licenses.

rlm_act_request() encrypts traffic to the activation server.

rlm_act_reqeust() rejects newlines in the “akey” and “extra” parameters.

v8.0 - Jan, 2010

Features Added:

Optimized license sharing.

Client and server side diagnostics to aid solving problems in the field.

When running as a service, RLM changes working directory to binary directory.

RLM logs the client machine’s OS to the report log.

RLM logs the client’s argv[0] to the report log.

Eval directory removed from Unix and Mac kits.

RLM web interface shows all license file and log file paths.

RLM web interface puts all activated license files into the directory specified with -c.

Single-quote and back-quote characters are now legal in license and option files.

max_roam_count license keyword.

Custom hostid comparision routine for ISV-defined hostids.

rlm_putenv() call for Windows DLLs.

Enforcement of legal ISV-defined hostid strings.

Activation: rlc adds ISV-defined notes to activation keys.

Activation: rlc checks for bad or missing hostids.

v7.0 - June, 2009

Features Added:

Server-Server license transfers.

License key email from Reprise now contains ISV name.

Ability to return a roamed license unconditionally.

rlm_isv_config() allows you to disable older license servers.

Unix makefile target for no-Openssl version of library.

rlm_server_enable_vm license for enabling servers on virtual machines.

rlmanon is on kit (missing prior to v7).

rlmhostid no longer reports 32-bit hostids on linux, mac, or netbsd systems.

rlmhostid no longer prints “known bad” 32-bit hostids (0, 0xffffffff, 0x7f0100).

RLM_EL_FAILED_BACK_UP status when failed server restarts.

Failover servers no longer pool licenses from failed servers.

rlm_auto_hb() attempts to re-acquire the same license which was lost.

License line checksum (_ck=).

rlmid3 machine fingerprinting option removed.

New status parameter to notification handler for rlm_auto_hb().

rlm_license_user_based() API call.

rlm_license_min_remove() API call.

rlm_license_host_based() API call.

reactivate and refresh activation types.

License rehosting via refresh activation and rlmrefresh utility.

RLC allows you to specify the activation key.

RLC allows specification of additional license parameters in the activation key.

Whitelist and blacklist in activation.

Activation keys have an expiration date.

Activation allows RLMID devices.

Activation uses isv-defined, RLMID, ethernet, and 32-bit devices, in that order.

Activation no longer accepts “known bad” 32-bit hostids (0, 0xffffffff, 0x7f0100).

v6.0 - January, 2009

Features Added:

Platform-independent ISV server settings and the Generic ISV server.

RLC refresh button.

RLC allows fixed expiration dates.

rlmid2 hardware key.

rlmid3 machine fingerprinting option.

rlm_act_request() processes HTTP redirects.

rlm_act_request() supports HTTP proxy servers.

ISV servers increase their open file limit.

ISV lockfile in C:\rlm removed.

port@host can be specified as host@port.

RLM_LICENSE environment and the -c option can contain directories.

RLM default port # changed from 28000 to 5053.

RLM admin port # changed from 9000 to 5054.

UPGRADE licenses.


rlm_detached_demo() API call.

v5.0 - May, 2008

Features Added:

Serial Number hostid type.

rlmID1 hardware key.

hostid lists.

ISV servers don’t exit on reread if no license file exists.

RLM activation forces client clock to be within 7 days of activation server.

GUI license generator.

rlm_act_admin renamed to rlc.

Virtual machine detection in ISV servers.

disable= now accepts VM keyword to disable licenses on Virtual Machines.

Refresh buttons added to web interface.

options= license attribute.

Multiple instances of a single ISV-defined hostid type allowed.

License administration NOPROJECT keyword for EXCLUDE and EXCLUDEALL.

v4.0 - December, 2007

Features Added:

Report log anonymizer (rlmanon).

RLM web interface allows editing option files.

RLM web interface displays debug log.

Report log detailed format adds seconds, tenths of seconds for denials.

Automatic report log rotation.

RLM options file controls access to administration functions.

RLM web interface displays recent debug log information.

RLM web interface allows editing server options file.

RLM_ROAM no longer needs to be set on the disconnected system.

-c overrides RLM_LICENSE for rlmutil.

Named User licensing.

disable=TerminalServer license attribute.

RLM activation supports issued=today’s date.

RLM activation supports arbitrary license fields (via rlm_act_request() call).

RLM activation allows ISV-defined hostids as a legal hostid type.

RLM on Solaris supports Solaris containers.

rlm_all_hostids(), rlm_all_hostids_free() API calls.

rlm_get_attr_lfpath() API call.

rlm_set_active() API call.

rlm_license_exp_days() API call.

rlm_license_max_share() API call.

rlm_license_named_user_count() API call.

rlm_license_named_user_min_hours() API call.

rlm_license_roaming() API call.

Multiple ethernet device support on Linux and Mac.

Ethernet address is default hostid on Linux and Mac.

Windows volume serial number hostid added.

Windows volume serial number is default hostid.

Platforms Added:

PPC Linux platform.

v3.0 - June, 2007

Features Added:

Internet Activation.

rlm -dat command-line option.

rlmtests performance tests.

RLM servers ignore hostnames in license file.

The RLM web interface now reports the Process ID (PID) of licenses in use.

RLM logs status requests in the debug log.

Client node can access license server by any name.

ISV server pathname optional on ISV line.

rlm_skip_isv_down() API call.

rlm_forget_isv_down() API call.

rlm_hostid() API call.

rlm_license_goodonce() API call.

rlm_license_server() API call.

rlm_product_exp() API call.

rlm_product_max_share() API call.

rlm_sign_license() API call.

x64_l1 compiled with -fPIC.

RLM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT environment variable.

RLM_EXTENDED_ERROR_MESSAGES environment variable.

Maximum license share count.

_line_item license keyword.

License in a string.

Improved error messages in web interface and rlmsign.

PID of process using license is displayed in web interface.

Wildcards allowed in IP addresses used as a hostid.

Platforms Added:

Java Linux

Java Windows

v2.0 - Dec, 2006

Features Added:

Failover License Servers.

Token-based licensing.

user/host based licenses.

Nodelocked, single-use licenses (no server).

Options to disable rlmdown and rlmremove.

RLM_PATH_RANDOMIZE environment variable.

ISV servers notify of licenses expiring within 14 days.

RLM binds all TCP/IP ports in all license files.

rlm -c license_file command-line option.

RLM runs as a service on Windows.

rlmstat -avail reports on license availability.

Transient attribute on ISV-defined hostids.

System Info in RLM web interface.

min_remove license keyword.

rlm_products() API call.

rlm_log(), rlm_dlog() API calls.

PRIORITY license administration option.

TIMEZONE license administration option.

MAX accepts ‘*’ for all users.

License administration license management by PROJECT.

MINREMOVE license administration option.

Platforms Added:

HP-UX PA-Risc 32-bit

HP-UX PA-Risc 64-bit

IBM AIX RS/6000 32-bit

IBM AIX RS/6000 64-bit

v1.1 - July, 2006

Features Added:

Held licenses.

Shared licenses.

License Replacement.

License timeout.

Roaming licenses.

Intelligent license queuing.

rlm_set_environment() call.

rlm_license_XXX() calls.

rlm_auto_hb() call for automatic heartbeats.

ISV-defined hostids.

Clock rollback detection.

contract= license attribute.

customer= license attribute.

issued= license attribute.

issuer= license attribute.

platforms= license attribute.

soft_limit= license attribute.

start_date= license attribute.

timezone= license attribute.

type= license attribute.

Platforms Added:

MAC intel 32-bit

MAC PPC 32-bit

Linux x64 64-bit

Solaris x64 64-bit

Windows x64 64-bit

v1.0 - May, 2006


Node-locked licenses.

Floating licenses.

Expiration dates.

Transparent multiple server connections.

Public-Key authentication.

Platforms Added:

Linux x86

Sun Solaris 32-bit

Sun Solaris 64-bit

Windows 32-bit